Musing on Muses

Where do ideas come from? Is it the Muses? I’m sure there are nearly as many theories as there are ideas. Why do they sometimes flow like a meltwater torrent, sometimes stagnate like a murky pond, and sometimes dry up like a seasonal flow, leaving nothing but cracked, parched soil behind? Frankly, I don’t have the slightest idea (pun fully intended). If I did, it would make things much easier. I’d just provide the input, and the output would flow as neatly and predictably as through a canal. But there’s a reason why a meandering river is so much richer Read More …

Are You a Plotter or Are You a Pantser?

Are you a plotter, or are you a pantser? As much as I resist being categorized, this one’s an exception. I fit squarely into the pantsing box. Actually, I prefer to call myself a “discovery writer”*. In my ongoing quest of learning the craft of writing, I’ve devoured a large number of books (yes, it’s a pattern). Most of the instruction came squarely down on the plotting side. Three-act structure. Hero’s journey. Plot points to be checked off somewhere between page 50 and 60. Hey, what’s the matter? That’s a whole TEN PAGES of leeway. I tried. I really did, Read More …


A few years ago, a little book fell into my hands. Steven Pressfield’s “Do the Work!“. A quick, easy read with gimmicky formatting (at least the version I have), and yet the contents hit me like an axe between the shoulderblades. It boils down to this: Resistance is the universal enemy, an unthinking force of nature that pushes us to act against our self-interest, our values, and our better judgement. It’s an ever-present threat that’s hard to recognize because internally it shows up in so many ways: Discomfort. Confusion. Laziness. Inertia. Preoccupation. Rationalization. The outward reactions it triggers are just Read More …

The Story behind the Stories

I’ve been writing for a long time. A much longer time, in fact, than I’m willing to admit. For most of that time, publication wasn’t even a smudge on the horizon. All I wanted was to see what might happen to those really cool characters who just stood in the doorway of my mind one day and demanded to be given life. I wrote hundreds of thousands of words worth of vignettes; just occurrences in the characters’ lives. Imagine the worst of purple prose, stacked upon melodrama. A plot? A story arc? A character arc? WTF? And that was fine. Read More …

Reading Too Much

I just finished reading my thirty-first book for the year. It’s mid-May. Unlike the more common New Year’s resolution, mine was to read less. Well, unless I drastically change my trajectory, this is one resolution I’m not going to keep. Don’t get me wrong. There’s nothing wrong with reading. As a writer, reading is what I do for knowledge and inspiration, for learning about the craft, and for keeping up with new trends. It’s also one of my main sources of entertainment — not to mention a major source of procrastination. When I’m reading, I can always tell myself that Read More …