The Power of Validation

In my querying adventures I’ve come to a conclusion that probably doesn’t surprise anyone but myself: Social validation is a powerful little thing. I’ve never had more than an arm’s length interest in social media. The whole fishing for likes and retweets and friends has always seemed a little silly to me. But when an agent “liked” one of my pitches for one of the many pitch wars on Twitter, the dopamine hit was real. A hit of energy. A hit of hope. Of course my chances of anything coming of it are only slightly better than winning the lottery. Read More …

Platform Building

Platform Building. It does sound like something the oil industry might do, but, to no one’s surprise, it’s de rigueur these days if you want to have a shot at making it as a writer. Whether it’s actually a prerequisite for writerly success, I have no idea. After all, writerly success still eludes me. But when you comb through reputable sites dispensing advice for aspiring writers, platform comes up sooner rather than later. So what is it? From what I’ve gleaned, platform is a catch-all term for how you present yourself on the interwebs. And that you have to present Read More …